IT Security
Penetration test
OPUS IT delivers both the technical skill and the business sensitivity to deliver in-depth Penetration Tests that thoroughly evaluate the real-world security performance of both hardware, software and staff, while fully protecting data and preventing disruption of normal business operations.
Our consulting team typically has over
of Penetration Test experience, including CISSP, CEH, and other certifications.
Types of a penetration test we provide
Web applications or Mobile applications
Website Application
Android Application
IOS Application
Any external Pentest we can do
Application Protocol Interfaces
Network Infrastructure
Custom Pentest
Penetration Testing Methods
Black Box Testing
In a black box penetration test, no information is provided to the tester at all. The pen tester in this instance follows the approach of an unprivileged attacker, from initial access and execution through to exploitation.
White Box Testing
White box penetration testing, sometimes referred to as crystal or oblique box pen testing, involves sharing full network and system information with the tester, including network maps and credentials.
You Will Get
- Document compliance with regulatory programs that require Penetration Tests as part of their certification process.
- Get an attacker's view of your network.
- See actual exploitation results as they would occur if your network was under attack.
- Test both your operational and technical defences.
- Maintains the credibility and trust of your stakeholders.

OPUS Web and Security